
Clarity – Vanessa Hui

Vanessa Hui summarised in one perfect word; unpretentious. Today on the Avastavé Universe we delve into the captivating magic of crystals as explored through Vanessa Hui, a Hong Kong-based crystal healer whose transparent approach to bettering the lives of her clients through the power of natural crystal and clear intentions make her unique business; The Crystal Van, one to watch.

An assortment of crystals at The Crystal Van shop

HI Vanessa! Welcome to the Avastavé Universe! How are you feeling today?

Hi Dmitri, Thank you! So happy to be here and connect with you. I’m surprisingly good despite this Mercury retrograde happening right now ( or at least at the time of this interview) haha!

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your business The Crystal Van.

I’m an Aries sun, Taurus moon and Gemini rising. As you can probably guess I’m into astrology! I’m a knowledge seeker, trauma survivor, earth guardian and crystal healer who leads by intuition and compassion. I’m fascinated with the cosmos, ancient civilisations, energy medicine and figuring out the whys and the how’s of this world. I currently live in Hong Kong with my tabby rescue cat, Moony.

The Crystal Van was born from my own spiritual awakening. Three years ago, I went through a dark time in my life when I lost my father and aunt to cancer. Navigating grief, loss and the regret and resentment that surfaced brought about a dark night of the soul. This manifested itself into guilt, self-loathing and depression. I knew I had to change and being someone unconvinced by western medicine I sought out holistic healing and alternative therapies to help me. I came across Reiki and Crystal Healing and in one session I had this transcendental experience. After that I learned everything, I could about ancient healing, energy work, crystal properties, and I am still learning today. I incorporated them in my own self-healing practices, meditation, my daily rituals, manifestation and carried them with me everywhere. I felt my energy shift. Day-by-day those feelings of regret became less heavy, less debilitating. I wanted to share this with others and find a way to help others navigate the trauma I struggled through, especially with grief and loss, so I trained as a certified Crystal Healing Practitioner.

I launched The Crystal Van with the mission to inspire others to harness the healing powers of crystals and earth’s energy in order to evolve, heal and grow. The Crystal Van is a space to find high quality and responsibly sourced crystals, mystic goods and inspiration about crystal healing practices and rituals. Our crystals are thoughtfully curated and I work with every crystal to activate them before sending them on to their new home. There is a lot of intention, care and ritual put into what we do and we’re not just a crystal shop selling you crystals. We want to know you, your story, your trauma, your journey. The Crystal Van is based in Hong Kong and run by myself, my partner Yvan and our little fur baby assistant, Moony.

There’s been a noticeable spike in crystal and wellness shops of late. What gives The Crystal Van its authentic edge?

I’m happy to see crystals becoming so popular and accessible to more people as opposed to being a luxury item for the wealthy and privileged few. We are changing that, especially here in Hong Kong where you see crazy prices for crystals. The Crystal Van’s is unpretentious, accessible, real and fun. We have crystal knowledge but we’re not preachy, we keep it light hearted. We have something for everyone at every price point. If you don’t know a thing about crystals, we’ll introduce you to them with open arms and a laugh. We’re proud that we’re a very eco-conscious shop, which is so important for the collective these days. Sustainability and environmental protection are important to us and we’re committed to being as earth friendly as possible in this industry. That means working with small batches at a time, never stocking trending crystals that risk being overmined, choosing eco-friendly packaging, supporting environmental protection charities and even requesting our suppliers to not use plastic in our shipments or we won’t buy from them. We try to make the whole chain that we affect as low impact as possible. Because, if you’re buying a crystal that’s come from our precious earth, only to receive it wrapped in plastic, it kind of defeats the purpose doesn’t it? There is thought, care, intention and a kind of sacredness in every step we take, and this energy gets imprinted into the pieces that pass through our hands on to their new homes. Our clients always tell us they literally feelthe difference, and that’s what makes us a high vibe shop and gives us our authentic edge.

We noticed that you’re a Crystal Healer, tell us a little bit more about what that entails…

As a Crystal Healer my intention is to harness the healing powers of crystals to balance, activate and align one’s energetic body. I facilitate a connection to allow my clients to resonate with the energy of the stones. This is done through a crystal healing session, a guided crystal meditation or mix of the two. I may incorporate crystal singing bowls or chanting mantras to add the therapeutic vibrations of sound. It’s essentially holding space for my clients to go within, connect with self and receive healing from the stones.

In a typical crystal healing session, stones are placed on the body at different chakra points with the purpose of balancing them. Chakras, from the Sanskrit meaning “wheel” are energy centres in the body that correspond to nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional, spiritual and physical well-being. As an intuitive healer I am guided to areas that need attention. I use my hands, a crystal pendulum or wand to sense my client’s aura. Blockages in the chakras can manifest into negative emotions or physical ailments so my aim is to clear these to allow a stronger flow of Qi (life force energy) through the body. For example, if I feel heaviness over the throat chakra, this may indicate to me that my client could be struggling with finding their voice or speaking their truth. This would be an opportunity at the end of the session to ask my client to reflect on questions like Where am I not communicating fully? Is there something I need to speak up about? Am I expressing myself in the clearest way? 

Sessions can be very introspective for clients as the energy work can bring hidden emotions and truths to the surface. There is usually a lot of clearing and release going on – which is so beneficial for staying in balance because 99% of the time we are all holding on to something buried deep that needs to be released.

Clear Quartz available at The Crystall Van

This might seem like a redundant question, but I’m sure most people wonder – do crystals actually work? Walk us through your stance.

Crystals work if you put the work in. They’re not magic miracle makers. How I wish they were since I have so many in my home! Like with any goal you’re trying to achieve, there’s work to be done, intention, discipline, goals and gathering the right tools to support you. You can treat crystals as tools to help you on your journey. We call them “wisdom keepers” as we believe they hold wisdom about how this earth was created, about the universe, creation itself, limitless possibilities, and the interconnectedness of everything. Because that’s what mother earth’s energy is all about and crystals can reconnect you to that energy. They’ll remind you to stay on track, to tune in, to meditate, to be more mindful. For some it’s only about aesthetics, seen as works of art that bring beauty and joy to the home, which, in a way, is a kind of healing too – it’s retail therapy!

I know some people think obtaining a crystal is going to change their lives but that’s not going to happen if you don’t put the conscious effort in. If you buy a rose quartz (the classic love crystal) and you’re expecting to attract love into your life, but you don’t have a loving relationship with yourself to begin with, that rose quartz is not going to help you. To grow a garden, you must first pull out the weeds. Then, have an open mind and willingness to embrace change. Because, when you want to manifest something new or better, it requires change. It’s going to be uncomfortable but it’s going to be worth it. I mean, what’s more important than developing yourself?

As to why they work, this can be attributed to their structure. A crystal’s structure is formed in a regularly repeating geometric pattern which means they vibrate at a consistent frequency. In contrast, our human structure is random and all over the place. We can be triggered easily by energy, our thoughts, emotions and external factors outside of us. A crystals’ frequency remains stable, and their consistent and stable vibrations can help balance our own turbulent human energy.

In your opinion what are the essential crystals one must-have at home and why?

For the home we most likely want an environment filled with harmony, positivity, abundance and love.

Amethyst is great for promoting a zen space as it emits a peaceful and serene energy. It also has protective properties which clear any negativity, especially heavy emotions or low vibrational energies like stress, fear, jealousy and anger. Place it in a central point of your home where it’s most visible by everyone. It’ll constantly feel the room to keep everyone’s energies in harmony and balance.

Citrine is also a must-have for the home, especially if you want to bring in energies of abundance and good fortune. It’s a stone associated with prosperity and one of the best for manifesting wealth and abundance. It does this by helping you tune into an abundant mindset, filling your mentality with gratitude, contentment and faith so that you are vibrating from an energetic attitude of abundance rather than lack. Place it in the far-left corner of the room you associate with career or wealth (i.e your study or home studio) This area is known as the wealth corner.

Lastly it would have to be Rose Quartz because it’s important to have a home filled with loving energy! Rose quartz is one of the best stones for nurturing relationships as it promotes unconditional love, forgiveness, kindness and empathy. It strengthens bonds between people and invites harmony in relationships as it teaches us to be more understanding and make space for others. You can’t go wrong with a rose quartz in your home. Place it in the bedroom to bring a gentle and comforting energy or in the children’s bedroom to build the bond between parent and child.

 Vast numbers of people today seek more clarity and meaning in this human experience. Are there any crystals that assist with this journey? Tell us how.

Clear Quartz is one of the best crystals for seeking clarity and insight. Its energy is all about purity, light, awareness and guidance. It’s like a master healer and a teacher – developing insight and bringing light to areas you need to take a closer look. Being a clear to white crystal it works with all of the chakras in the energetic body which makes it versatile for different intentions. Clear Quartz can be programmed for different intentions and amplifies the energy of other crystals. Hold a piece of clear quartz and set your intention into the stone, visualise what you are seeking, and ask the stone to bring clarity where you need.

Rainbow fluorite is another stone that’s great for clarity, especially mental clarity, focus and concentration. It’s a protective stone that will filter out distractions, negative influences that disrupt your energy. If you’re someone who struggles to stay focused or gets overwhelmed easily, try placing a piece of rainbow fluorite on your desk or carry it with you. It’ll combat procrastination and help you stay focused.

Natural Crystal at The Crystal Van

While these two crystals are great for clarity, I always say don’t follow the “crystal prescriptions” too much… Crystal prescriptions can be a rough guide but I always say explore and find what works for you. Go into a crystal store and see what calls to you. When you’re in the shop, think of your intention, ask for clarity if it’s clarity you’re seeking, confidence if it’s confidence etc. Whatever the intention is, put it out there and see what crystal you’re drawn to.  We always say that the crystal that’s best suited for you at that moment will find its way to you. And actually, that’s a way more fun way to do it than following a crystal prescription.

We noticed that there’s still a lot of education that needs to happen with regards to crystals and their effects on people. A common assumption is that by simply obtaining a crystal one is instantaneously changing their lives, but it’s so much more than that isn’t it? It’s really about our individual energy meeting that of the crystals. Which brings us to our question, how do you stay aligned in your daily life?

 I know it’s not easy to stay in alignment with everything that’s going on in the world right now. It takes patience, discipline and some vulnerability too. For me, alignment is when I’m embodying my true essence and living my soul purpose as a lightworker, energy healer, conscious creator and free-spirit. That involves meditation, rituals, self-care, journaling, being in nature and working with my clients to help them evolve and find their light. For a huge part of my life, I was misaligned. I got caught up in the rat-race and led with my ego instead of intuition and from a place of gratitude. When I lost my father, it caused my life to derail. It made me realise how precious time is and how much I wanted to change. I saw how inauthentically I had been living and I didn’t want to waste any more time.

Now that I’ve created a life for myself as a lightworker serving others, running my own business and living authentically I’ve never felt more soul aligned in my life. But it does take work. I have days I’m completely thrown out of balance, but I’ve found my triggers and I know the formula to remedy them. I find a lot of guidance and alignment in nature and whenever I’m immersed in nature, I feel myself coming back to centre. Nature bathing is so therapeutic – there is a nourishing and sacred energy found in mother earth, in the birdsong, the scent of the trees and the feeling of the earth beneath your feet. I sit with my back against a tree and just be still, meditate, breathe. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day but it’s important to remember that something so simple as nature can be a powerful healer, and it’s free. I think it’s important to find the root cause and the triggers that throw you out of alignment in the first place. That means meeting your demons, i.e your fears, your ego, buried trauma, your own destructive patterns and the darker sides of you you’re not proud of. Meet them face on, forgive them and commit to rising higher and being better. When you know the root cause of your mis-alignment it equips you with the knowledge and power to bring yourself into alignment.

A mantra that you live by…

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. It’s a mantra from Nichiren Buddhism that I’ve been chanting since I was seven years old. It’s an expression of devotion, dedication and determination and means to have faith in life’s possibilities, the unlimited potential and innate strength we all possess to liberate ourselves from suffering. It reminds me to believe in my own inner power and helps me stay grounded. This mantra along with my Buddhism practice is, and has been my saviour.

A special item you would recommend for a first- time shopper at The Crystal Van.

Selenite. It’s a form of gypsum named after the Greek Goddess of the moon, Selene. It’s got this angelic, ethereal light energy that uplifts the mood and washes away any negativity or stagnant energies in its vicinity. It doesn’t need to be cleansed or charged and it consistently regulates, self-cleanses and emits a positive flow of energy in your space. It’s like an air purifier but for energy. Try placing it in the most central point of your home to keep up the good vibrations. If you want to utilise its cleansing properties, place a piece at your front door to cleanse your energetic field when you walk in. It’ll wash away heavy energies – which is useful if you’ve had a stressful day at work and you’re arriving home in a bad mood. It’ll help you leave those bad vibes at the door so you don’t bring them into your home.


Comments (2)

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